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Learn Reiki

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Reiki is a form of healing that almost everyone can learn. Reiki is a simple method of transferring life energy and also one of the few therapies where you can easily work on your own body.

Reiki is not just about healing it can help you lead a happier and more positive life and, using the Reiki Principles and Reiki energy, it can assist and support you in your everyday life.

Reiki is not a religion and you do not have to have a particular spiritual belief to learn or receive it.

Reiki is taught in three stages (called degrees) and how far you wish to take it is completely up to you, it is your journey.

When you take a Reiki course with Two Rivers Reiki, we do not just teach and attune you to Reiki, we are committed to your on-going support. We will always endeavour to help, give guidance and support you with your future life with Reiki.

First Degree (Shoden) 

Focuses on healing yourself, family and friends. Also introduces the idea of using Reiki for animals, food, our home and places such as our work place, garden and our planet. The course will establish a good grounding in the basics of Reiki. We will look at the history of Reiki, the Reiki principles, understanding what it does and how it works, energy, self-Reiki and how to treat others. You will receive your Reiki First Degree Attunement and have practical hands-on experience. (2 day course)

Second Degree (Okuden) - Practitioner Level 

Focuses on healing on a mental and emotional level, also distance healing is learnt. You will further your knowledge of working with energy and additional Reiki healing techniques. 

During the course, we will cover the full Reiki 2nd Degree requirements including; Emotional / Mental healing, Distance healing & how to do it, Symbols, Chakras and how we can use them with Reiki Healing, Mind/Body Healing, you will receive your Reiki Second Degree Attunement and more hands-on practical experience. 

After completing your Reiki Second Degree you are then able to gain a professional membership and insurance to enable you to 'practice' Reiki professionally should you wish to do so. (2 day course)

Third Degree (Shinpiden) - Master Level

This level is split into two sections 3a & 3b. By choosing to become a Reiki Master you will be showing a commitment to Reiki and living the Reiki way of life (for all good).

Level 3a focuses on healing the spiritual soul level and you receive further attunement to the Master level and symbols.

Level 3b is Master Teacher Level (please contact me for details).

Reiki Second Degree Refresher Day

A wonderful day refreshing your Reiki knowledge and building a stronger connection to this wonderful healing system. Focused mainly around the Reiki 2nd Degree teachings of emotional/mental healing and distance healing. We also look at the chakras and using them with your Reiki, mind/body healing and Reiki symbols. Along with further hands-on practice for extra information and advice. 


A lovely way for those Reiki 2nd Degree attuned by other Master Teachers who have either not used their Reiki much, or for those attuned/taught many years ago who would like to bring Reiki more into their lives again.

Please note, this day can be modified to your personal requirements. Please call me for further information and to discuss your own needs. 

* Individual Reiki Refresher courses (all levels) can be arranged. Please call me to discuss your individual requirements.

* Comprehensive manuals and certificates are supplied for each level. Please contact me to discuss learning Reiki and dates of next courses *

Course prices

Reiki First Degree ........................... £100

Reiki Second Degree ...................... £125

Reiki Third Degree, level 3a ........... £175

Reiki Third Degree, level 3b ........... £225

Reiki 2nd Degree Refresher Day ... £ 85

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