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Reiki Lineage

When you become a Reiki Master, you then become part of a lineage (like a family tree). Every Reiki Master has a lineage, and mine is of traditional Usui Reiki, which means it traces directly back to Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki from Japan.

The traditional Reiki lineage begins with Dr Usui, and continues with one of his Reiki Masters, and then to one of theirs and so it continues. When you learn and are attuned to Reiki the student then becomes part of this Reiki family.

It is becoming more important in recent times to be able to prove your Reiki lineage, in that it is 'pure' and 'unbroken' back through to Dr. Mikao Usui. In fact, certain UK Reiki federations and professional councils require this proof to obtain membership (although not all at the moment). Therefore, when you take a Reiki course and are attuned to Reiki by us you can be assured that you are able to prove a true lineage.

My Reiki lineage is as follows ...

Dr Mikao Usui


Dr Chujiro Hayashi


Hawaya Takata


Iris Ishikuro


Arthur Robertson


Rick and Emma Ferguson


Martarette L Shelton


Kathleen Ann Milner


Robert N Wachsberger


Tricia Courtney Dickens


Wendy Hayley


Karen Harrison


Deirdre Catchpole


Jane Conway


Mary Peirce (Duckworth)

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