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Much has been written about self-love but I feel that it is important that we regularly ask ourselves whether we love our self enough. 


Self-love is not being selfish, if we do not love ourselves then how can we love others the best way we can? If you don’t love yourself then you are sending out, by the law of attraction, that you are not worthy of being loved. We all deserve to be loved, loving yourself is the basis from where love can be returned to you. 


Loving yourself applies on various levels; 


Physically – Do you love yourself enough to nourish, exercise and rest your body properly? We are happy to care for our loved ones to make sure they are physically looked after but do you do the same for yourself? How many people wouldn’t think twice about taking their children to the doctor to get something checked but then leave ailments of our own body, for a variety reasons from lack of time to not wanting to ‘waste the doctors time’? Many people do not eat regularly or properly, or exercise, putting other people or things like work first, but we would never not care about the health and nourishment of our loved ones. 


Emotionally/Mentally - Do you love yourself enough to care about your own happiness? So many of us live stressful lives, if we love our self then we will do things that care for our own mental health from meditation or counselling to just doing things thing help us relax such as getting out in nature, spending time with friends, or doing a hobby. Are you really living a life that makes you happy? You deserve to be happy, and if you are happy you can then spread happiness around you.


Spiritually – Do you love yourself enough to care about your spiritual growth or nourishment? As we grow up and become adults we often become what is expected of us from our family and society until some do not even know who they truly are. Some people realise this is no longer acceptable to them and just have a ‘knowing’ that there is a different way. Caring about your own spiritual growth is as equally important as your physical and emotional needs.


Has any of the above rung any bells for you and if so what does this have to do with Reiki?


Having Reiki is a wonderful way of helping you to love yourself. Reiki healing can help many issues, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, therefore helping to heal all aspects of your life. In fact many of my clients do not come for a specific reason but have found it not only cares for their own energy health but has had a further effect on their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.


Previous Newsletter

Firstly, may I wish you all a very Happy New Year! I hope the new year is a happy, healthy, lucky and prosperous one for you all and your families.Not only have I been honoured to help many people over the past year through giving Reiki, but it has been wonderful to be able to attune and teach Reiki to some wonderful people last year. It is such a blessing to be able to pass Reiki on and to see how it is helping not only those who have been attuned but also their family, friends and pets. I will be running regular Reiki courses throughout the year, so if you are interested in learning Reiki or would like to progress further with your Reiki training then contact me and I'll let you know when the next course is running (or we can arrange one to one training if you prefer).


Energy Cleaning your home

I've had lots of people contact me ready to have some Reiki to set them up for the new year. Cleansing and healing your own energy is so important so that you are energetically in the best way to help you heal any issues physically, emotionally or spiritually. But what about your home? ... The start of the new year is a good time to pay some attention to clearing out any lingering, stagnant energies ready for the year ahead. Our homes have a lot of energy in them, some good and some not so. Just as emotions such as anger, anxiety, sadness affect our bodies energy field they will also affect your home. Energy clings to everything even when someone or a situation has left the room, perhaps you had visitors over Christmas that you don't normally like to spend time with? You don't want their energy hanging around do you?. Newspapers, TV, radio and films can also have an impact on the energy field (think of all the terrible stories we see and hear in the news from around the world, we bring that into our homes everyday). So I thought it might be useful for you to have some tips on how to clear the energy within your home, it really makes a difference to how a house feels and the 'health' of your home.


Most of us can remember a time feeling uneasy in a certain place but not knowing why, it is the energy of the place that you are feeling. Obviously, the amount or level of cleansing required will depend on what has happened in that home. For example, general day to day family arguments will clear alot easier than a place where someone died traumatically. (If in any doubt perhaps give some thought to getting a professional energy clearer or feng sui expert in to help).


Some ideas and processes for general energy clearing for your home are ...


1. Prepare the room - de-clutter and clean

2. Open windows, doors and cupboards

3. Stand at the entrance of each room and focus on clearing the energy (give the intention that whatever you choose to do next will clear the energy)

4. To clear the energy there are many different ways, choose what feels right for you (you can do as many as you like, just what feels right) . Go around the house in a anti-clockwise direction first then when you have covered everywhere repeat again in a clockwise direction. First choose any of the following methods using noise energy (make the noise around the top and bottom, corners and inside cupboards of each room) - clap repeatedly, use bells (Tibetan or hand bells), singing bowls or drums. You could then use special 'clearing spray', burn prepared dried bundles of white sage or incense (white sage or sage & sweetgrass) PLEASE TAKE CARE AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.

5. Sprinkle sea salt around, leave overnight and then vacuum or leave bowls of sea salt around each room for a day and night then throw away.

6. All those Reiki attuned - use your Reiki to cleanse and protect

7. Don't forget the cleanse any crystals you have within the house. Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information on how to do this.

8. Do this in each room of the house.


Remember you don't need to do all of the above, just what you feel comfortable with or what feels right.When you are happy that have cleansed the energy I feel it is important to bless and protect your home, one of the easiest ways of doing this is to visualise a golden orb of light around your home and fill each room with the golden light. I would then use an affirmation (a positive statement in the present tense) such as "I have a happy and healthy home" or say something that is right for you. You could also say a prayer if you like.


Perhaps now is a good time to think about helping the energy of your home in the future? Look at ways of raising the vibration of your home. The energy of laughter is wonderful at raising the vibration as does gratitude, be genuinely thankful for your home, family, friends and pets. Look at Feng Sui for ideas, just having some new house plants such as Peace Lillies and Spider Plants which are good for energy balancing can help (also don't hold onto dead and dying houseplants). Get into the habit of protecting (golden orb or similar) and energy cleansing your home on a regular basis especially after illness or arguments.I hope you have found the above of interest, please feel free to contact me if you would like some more advice.


With love and Reiki blessings,





Reiki treatment is not intended to act as a replacement for orthodox medicine and is intended to act as a supplement to, and not a substitute for professional medical care and treatment. I cannot diagnose, treat, cure or prevent all illness or diseases. In cases of any medical condition or illness, pain or disease I would recommend that you always seek the advice of your GP or an appropriate medical professional. I will always do my very best to help you but can not offer any guarantees of success. As a client you will always be treated with the utmost respect and integrity and confidentiality can be assured.

The information contained in this newsletter is offered in good faith for general information purposes only. While I endeavour the information to be correct, I make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability with respect to the information. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will I be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss of damage whatsoever arising from any connection to the information supplied.

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