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Reiki Healing

"Your first step to a healthier and happier life is a desire for a healthier and happier life"

Reiki is a Japanese term (two words joined together) meaning 'Universal Life Energy'. 'Rei' meaning natural spirit and 'Ki' meaning life force, the energy that all things are made of.

Reiki is a simple method of transferring life energy through 'hands-on' healing. It is a natural, relaxing, safe and non-invasive form of healing that can benefit everyone, of all ages. It gently, yet powerfully, balances life energy, clearing energy blockages and promotes the body's own natural ability to heal itself increasing vitality and wellbeing. Reiki healing can help many issues, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, therefore balancing and healing all aspects of your life.

Reiki works at a deep level working at the root of the 'dis-ease', problem or issue. Just as our body experiences physical pain, then emotional hurt can also manifest and show itself within the body needing healing.

Reiki is not only about healing, but can also be a wonderful way to develop your personal and spiritual awareness and growth.

Reiki treatments are therapeutic, rather than diagnostic and it therefore aims to support your self-healing and not to 'cure' a particular diagnosed illness. It can certainly help the recipient heal on whatever level is required and this, consequently, can lead to some very positive outcomes.

Reiki can never harm and it will always work for the power of good.

You do not have to come with a specific problem, in fact many clients come on a regular basis just for some special relaxation time. This is a lovely way of keeping on top of your own energy health.

So what could Reiki help?

  • can induce a state of deep relaxation, therefore relieving stress & tension
  • can relieve physical & emotional 'dis-ease'
  • aids natural self-healing which can then relieve pain (physical & emotional)
  • releasing stored emotions
  • rebalancing the body's energy
  • calming mind & body
  • can help sleeping problems
  • can help anxiety & low mood
  • improving holistic wellbeing

What to expect during a treatment


After an initial short consultation you will lay, fully clothed, on a treatment couch (or you can sit if this would be more comfortable). I will lay my hands on and above your body where needed. Clients say it is a very relaxing experience - in fact it is not unusual to fall asleep!

The benefits gained are unique to everyone, from feeling refreshed and energised to feeling a state of calm and peace. It is said that one Reiki treatment can feel like the benefit of a 3-4 hours sleep.

Reiki sessions are usually about 1.5 hours long. You can have a 'one-off' treatment or a course of treatments may be needed.

Who can have Reiki

Reiki is suitable for almost everyone, from babies and children through to the elderly. As a mother and grandmother, I have used Reiki regularly with my family over the years (during illness, upset or to help through periods of stress). It can be particularly helpful for young people with exam stress and anxiety. It is a lovely treatment for pregnant mothers and when used post-natally can be particularly helpful if their has been emotional trauma.

Throughout our lives we often experience things that cause upset and stress that we can find hard to get through. Trauma, such as illness, relationship breakdown, wedding stress, fertility issues, redundancy / work stress or bereavement will need healing. Making time for you and receiving Reiki healing could help.

Reiki is not a religion and you do not need to have a particular spiritual belief to use or receive it. You only have to be open, be willing to change and be ready to receive the healing energy.

Reiki Prices

Online Distance Reiki sessions (approx. 1.5 hours) £25.00

In person Reiki session (approx. 1.5 hours) £30.00 

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